About Us

Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies office:-

As per the Constitution, the Cooperative societies with objects confined to one State only are governed by the Cooperative laws of the respective State Government and the cooperative societies with objects confined to more than one State are governed by the central law, namely, ‘the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act 2002 (Act 39 of 2002). 

The Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies is appointed as per article 243ZH(f) of the Constitution read with subsection (1) of section (4) of Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act 2002 and is the statutory body responsible for registration and other processes of the Multi State Cooperative Societies (MSCS).

This Office mainly handle the following work: -
  1. Amendment to the MSCS Act, 2002 and Rules.
  2. Registration of new multi-state cooperative societies/Banks MSCS Act, 2002.
  3. Amendment to bye-laws of Multi State Cooperative Societies / Banks under MSCS Act, 2002.
  4. Dealing with arbitration cases as per section 84 and winding up of the society’s u/s 86 of the Act and work relating to appointment of Arbitrators of the multi-state cooperative societies.
  5. Formulation of policies regarding management and working of national level cooperative organizations, their implementation and follow-up.
  6. Examination of proposals regarding Central and State Cooperative legislations.
  7. Permission for opening of branches of MSCS.
  8. Dealing with court cases, dispute, appeal cases u/s 99 of the MSCS Act, 2002.
  9. Conduct of inquiry, inspection u/s 78, 79 and 108
  10. Liquidation of multi-state cooperative societies
  11. Issues relate to elections matters, analysis of submitted annual returns & audit reports
  12. Dealing with work relating to complaints/grievances received from multi-state cooperative societies and from their members.
  13. Dealing with work relating to PMO/VIP references, Public Grievances, Parliament Questions and Parliamentary Assurances related to multi-state cooperative societies